
In ancient Greek mythology Hermes is a messenger between gods and humans.

Basic information

In the context of Memoria Framework, Hermes is a solution to the “last mile” data modelling problem. Containers can be used to model large amounts of highly structured data. Hermes is intended to represent relatively small amount of unstructured or semi-structured data and can be used together with containers. Notable feature of Hermes as a data format is that all objects and data types have canonical textual representation, so Hermes data can be consumed and produced by humans. Hence, the name of the data format.

Hermes defines an arbitrarily structured object graph that is allocated in a continuous memory segment (or a series of fixed size segments) working as an arena. Top-level object is a document. Document is a container for Hermes objects. Hermes objects internally use relative pointers, so the data is relocatable. Hermes objects in this form can be:

  • stored in Memoria containers,
  • memory-mapped from files or between processes,
  • embedded into an executable as a form of a resource,
  • sent over a network or shared between host CPU and hardware accelerators, even if the latter have a separate address space.

Hermes documents can be of arbitrary memory size, the format internally has 64-bit pointers (even on 32-bit architectures). It’s fine to have TB-size documents, but the format is not intended for that. Hermes documents are garbage-collected with a simple copying GC algorithm. So the larger documents are, the more time will be spent in compactifications. Ideally, Hermes documents should (but not required to) fit into a single storage block, that is typically 4-8KB and may be up to 1MB in Memoria. In this case, accessing Hermes objects stored in containers will be in a zero-copy way.

There are three serialization formats for Hermes data.

  1. Zero serialization. Hermes data segment use relative addresses and can be externalized as is, as a raw memory block. All Hermes documents support fast integrity checking procedure to make sure that reading foreign segments is safe. This is the fastest format but not particularly the densest one. This format is mainly for data storage.
  2. Text serialization. Human-readable, safe, and the slowest (but still fast in raw numbers).
  3. Binary serialization. The densest option, but faster than the textual one. Safe. Best for networking when human-readability is not a requirement.


Hermes documents are mutable and support run-time immutability enforcement (“make it immutable”). Immutable documents may be safely shared between threads with minor restrictions.

Hermes Object

Hermes memory is tagged. A tag is a type label and has various length, from 1 to 32 bytes. Most commonly used types, like Int have tag length of 1 byte. Rarely used types may have tags up 32 bytes, in that case it’s most likely a SHA256 hash code of the type’s declaration. Hermes assumes that type hash collisions will be an extremely rare event.

Memory for tag is allocated address-wise before the object. Objects may have gaps between them in memory caused by alignment requirements. In that case, if a tag fits into this gap, it’s allocated there. With high probability, short tags (for commonly used objects) do not take extra memory.

Objects tags may be used for memory integrity checking, but this is left to implementations. To support integrity checking, every object pointer may contain 8- or 16-bit hash of the corresponding tag. Such type of integrity protection is probabilistic, not deterministic. Note that at this moment (2024) integrity checking is not yet supported.

From the API’s perspective, Hermes objects consist from two part. The first part is a private C++ object with verbose API conforming to certain rules. The second part is a public View for this object, this is much like std::string_view for string-like data. Mutable Hermes object receive a reference to the corresponding Document’s arena allocator to allocate new data in. View object encapsulates all these complexities.

Views are owning in Hermes. Object’s view holds a reference to the corresponding Document (for memory allocation) with a fast, non-atomic, reference counter. Hermes Views are nearly zero-cost, but not thread-safe.

Documents as containers have additional levels of reference counting indirection, including atomic counters. Sharing document’s data between threads may be permitted in some cases.

56-bit types

1-byte tag size has special consequences in Hermes: together with 64-bit integers, we are using 56-bit integers and identifiers to be able to fit the entire value into a 64-bit memory slot of a pointer. That, in many cases, saves memory.


Hermes has explicit notion of a type, and Hermes types are pretty close in semantics to C++ classes, they may be parametric in two ways. The first way is common with C++: MyType<Parameter> creates new instance of MyType parametrized by Parameter. The second type of parametrization is trickier. Hermes type may have an associated state that is considered as a shared state for all Hermes objects of this type. Type Decimal(10,2) have two type constructor (10, 2) parameters: precision 10 and scale 2. Type constructor in Hermes does not create a new type, so there is no way to statically specialize some code for Decimal(10, 2). Object instances of type Decimal will have a pointer to a memory, storing the corresponding type constructor’s data.

Generic types in Hermes are monomorphic.

To distinguish between C++ types and Hermes types that may have type constructors, the letter are called Datatypes.

Datatypes are first-class objects in Hermes and the rest of Memoria. So, we may have collections of datatypes, we cap process them as data and so on. We can also parse RTTI declaration of some C++ types as normalized datatypes and compute their corresponding 32-byte type hash. (Note that this feature is currently may be compiler-specific).


In Hermes ‘document’ has two meanings.

First, Document is a container for Hermes data. Second, ‘document’ is a specific set of predefined collections organizing objects into a tree-like structure, similar to Json. Below there is a short walk-through Hermes document text-serialization features giving us json-like experience.

Null object

This is the simplest document that has no object.


Generic object array

Generic array of Objects containing intgers:

[1, 2, 3, 4]

The same generic array of Objects containing numbers of different types (integer, unsigned integer, short and float):

[1, 2u, 3s, 4.567f]

Typed integer array

The same array but of datatype Array<Int> using optimized memory layout:

@Array<Int> = [1, 2, 3, 4]

Important note that notation above does not mean that collection [] will have the type specified before it. It means that we create a typed collection from a generic one. Parser may optimize this process by not creating the latter and supplying the data directly to the former.

The point is that there may be may ways to create a Hermes object at parse time from Hermes data. For example, notation like "string value"@SomeDataType is a syntactic shortcut meaning that "string value" will be converted to Hermes object of datatype SomeDataType at the parse time:


Technically, string representation of Hermes data is not a static format, like Json, but a domain specific language. The purpose of this DSL is to make crafting complex Hermes data in a text form easier for humans.

Generic map between strings and objects

Generic map between strings and objects:

  "key1": 1, 
  "key2": [1, 2, true],
  "key3": @Array<Int> = [5,6,7,8]


There is a special memory-efficient variant of typed map, mapping from small integer in range [0, 51] to an Object. This map is very memory efficient, using only 16 bytes overhead per collection. It’s also very fast for reading, because it uses just one PopCnt() instruction (usually 1 cycle on modern CPUs) to find the slot in the hash array, given the key. Values up to 56 bits (small strings, short integers, floats) may be embedded into the hash array. Hash array has no empty slots.

Given its runtime versatility, this type of a map is used extensively to represent C-like dynamic structures in Hermes, without creating a corresponding C++ objects. DSLs over Hermes may combine this type of map with code, resulting in dynamically typed objects.

Semantic Graph

Semantic graph (SG) in Hermes adopts RDF-like data representation to Hermes' object model. SG usually is a binary relation over facts in some domain, plus some model of formal semantics reducible to binary relations. Note that Knowledge Graph (KG) is basically the same thing, but has more features to capture and represent real-life knowledge.

SG have appealing theoretical and practical properties, but using them “at scale” (for large data sets) is a major technological challenge. Graphs or any form do not map well to memory hierarchies (a lot of random access), so it’s a very expensive data representation and format.

Being multi-model, Memoria will be supporting various forms of graphs and binary relations anyway, so first-class support for SG starting from Hermes seems a consistent decision.


Hermes has minimalist but expressive query language for its document subset, modelled after JMESPath.

Templating engine

Templating (generating text) is possible with Jinja-like templating language, integrated with HermesPath as expression language.


Hermes has schema processor to enforce declarative and imperative constraints on Hermes documents, semantic graphs and other types of structures. Schema processor is a major component of Hermes' stack, that may work in an interactive mode, like a language server for Hermes data structures.


Hermes may support different profiles. A profile is a set of features Hermes container is supporting. Supporting all the features and data-types may be unnecessary and resource-consuming, especially on web and embedded platforms. For example, typical web applications don’t need much more than JSON is providing out of the box (generic object, array, null and a few data types).

  • Minimalist ‘pico’ profile may support only generic fixed size array container, fixed sizevariant of TinyObjectMap, 56- and 64-bit integers and strings. This profile will be the most compact one, yet functionality is sufficient for all basic interactions between code and devices.

  • ‘Nano’ profile may add generic fixed-size container mapping from Int56 to Object, that is sufficient for most of relational-type data (also, trees and graphs).

  • ‘Micro’ profile may add support of all integer (8, 16, 32 bit, including vlen), floating point types and sematic graph data-types.

  • ‘Basic’ profile may add essential dynamic (growable/shrinkable) containers that may be uses as a working memory by applications.

And so on… Profiles are not necessary hierarchical and inclusive. Hermes has open type system, and supporting all possible types is just infeasible. So may be application-specific profiles, staying completely aside from the main profile set.

Hardware implementation

Implementing parts of Hermes protocol directly in hardware makes sense in two cases: embedded and multicore accelerators, because in both cases CPU cores are pretty simple (not OoOE) and we don’t want to waste CPU cycles on complex data encodings. So, there are basic areas where we can do it:

  1. Tag dispatching. Mathematical operations on generic numbers go through either tag-indexed switch statement or hash table over multiple handlers. Implementing this dispatching directly in hardware may save a lot of cycles.
  2. Variable length integers may save a lot of memory and are actively used in Hermes. Supporting them directly in hardware will improve performance significantly.
  3. Advanced Data Structures. Certain frequently used containers containers, like TinyObjectMap, may rely on on advanced bit-parallel operations like rank/select (PopCnt and SelectN), implementing them in hardware will improve performance significantly (10-60x) over baseline.
  4. Immutability enforcement. If hardware supports memory segmentation, blocks containing finalized Hermes documents may be marked immutable.

Besides these simple cases, important operations like binary serialization and deserialization, as well as consistency checking (reference tags and object memory layout checking) may be partially implemented in hardware, improving performance in many important cases.

Profile system may also be aligned with hardware acceleration. Profile may mean that certain datatypes are hardware-accelerated and using them is encouraged (other other possible datatypes).

Interoperability with other languages

Hermes is a C++-centric data model, it relies heavily on RAII for memory management. Replicating it fully in other runtime environments may be difficult if even possible. To implement it fully, target runtime environment must support either RAII or at least ARC. D, Rust, Swift and CPython are in the green zone. For other environments like JavaScript, Java and Julia some functionality may be limited.

Another important dependency is that Hermes' datatypes may be pretty complex, like arbitrary precision numbers or safe integers with deterministic overflow semantics. Also, DSLs (HermesPath) may rely on extensive libraries of functions. Re-implementing it all in target language will lead to a lot of complex code duplication. So, bindings to Hermes will be relying on FFI to C++. The caveat is that binary code for full set of Hermes may be pretty large in size (10MB+) so running it in a browser (WASM) may be impractical (unless Hermes is supported natively).


  1. Main headers.
  2. Main sources