
Memoria is a data-centric framework for heterogeneous software and hardware co-development. Read more...

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Applications ⚡

Hybrid AI

Memoria's Acceleration Architecture is being designed specifically for latency-sensitive applications like Symbolic AI. Advanced data structures to push them beyond their traditional domain. Read more...

Computational Storage

Moving transactional and analytical processing closer to the data, right into the storage device. Higher speeds, better durability, energy efficiency and fault tolerance. No OS needed. Read more...

Converged Databases

Advanced Data Structures for large and small files, tabular data, graphs, spatial indexes, OLTP and analytics, multiple flavours of integrated storage engines. Read more...

Accelerated Networking

HRPC: transport-agnostic design space message-oriented protocols that can be scaled up to compute clusters and down to hard-wired compute functions for HW/SW co-design. Read more...

HW/SW Co-design

DSLEngine to support IC extension via Circt/MLIR stack, integrated with the automation platform: compiling queries down to ICs. Read more...

Embedded and IoT

Scaling things down: Hermes/HRPC, DSLEngine, language and automation platform, Acceleration Architecture to be scalable to/for small devices. Read more...